Relative Clauses – odnosne -ed/-ing rečenice u engleskom jeziku

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Tekstualno objašnjenje za Odnosne -ed/-ing rečenice u engleskom jeziku

Klauzule sa -ed nastavkom

Klauzule su važan deo rečenica. Pogledajte primer:

  • The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

-ed klauzule
imaju pasivno značenje:

  • The man injured in the accident was taken to hospital.
    (the man was injured in the accident)
  • Ben showed me a few pictures painted by his mother.
    (pictures were painted by his mother)
  • The gun used in the robbery has not been found.
    (the gun was used in the robbery)

Klauzule sa -ing nastavkom

Klauzule sa -ing nastavkom kada želimo da istaknemo šta neko ili nešto radi, ili je radio u određeno vreme.

  • Who is the boy talking to Ann? (the boy is talking to Ann)
  • Who were those people waiting for you? (they were waiting for you)
  • They were woken up by a bell ringing. (a bell was ringing)

Takođe, ove klauyule možemo koristiti da kažemo šta se dešava sve vreme (stalno je):

  • The bridge connecting the two villages is very narrow. (the bridge connects the two villages)
  • He has a small room overlooking the garden. (the room overlooks the garden)
  • Can you think of the name of an animal beginning with E? (the name begins with E)

-ed i -ing klauzule sa there is and there was

There is/there was  možemo koristiti sa obe vrste klauzula:

  • There were some kids swimming in the lake.
  • Is there anybody waiting for her?
  • There was a black car parked outside our house.

Dodatna objašnjenja

Glagoli kao što su injured, painted, and used, su prošli participi. Mnogi od njih su pravilni glagoli, koji završavaju na -ed, ali postoje i oni koji su nepravilni (built/stolen/made…), te se oslanjamo na listu nepravilnih glagola:

  • The police have not found the money stolen in the robbery.
  • Most of the products made in the factory are exported.

se koristi u značenju not used, still there:

  • They’ve eaten nearly all the apples. There are only a few left.

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