Redosled reči u pitanjima u engleskom jeziku

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Tekstualno objašnjenje za Redosled reči u pitanjima u engleskom jeziku

Pitanja: redosled reči

U pitanjima, subjekat se obično nalazi posle prvog glagola. Pogledajmo sledeće primere:

subjekat (s) + glagol (v)       glagol (v) + subjekat (s)

  • Have you got a dog?
  • When was the cottage built?
  • Will you be there tomorrow?

ide posle prvog glagola:

  • Is Harry working today?  (not Is working Harry…)

U Present Simple pitanjima, koristićemo do/does:

  • I like reading books.
    Do you like reading books?
  • Johny plays basketball.
    Does Johny play basketball?

U Past Simple pitanjima, koristićemo did:

  • He played computer games yesterday.
    Did he play computer games yesterday?

Međutim, ako je who/what subjekat rečenice, nećemo upotrebiti do/does/did. Proučite sledeće primere:

who = objekat

  • Mary phoned somebody.
    Who did Mary phone?

who = subjekat

  • Somebody phoned Mary.
    Who phoned Mary?

More examples of this rule:

  • Who runs the store?
  • Who wants to eat a banana?
  • What made you do that?
  • What caused the damage?
  • Who is opening the window?
  • What happened last night?

Redosled reči u pitanjima: predlozi

Kada je potrebno u pitanjima koristiti predloge, predloge ćemo staviti na kraj rečenice, posle glagola ili kombinacije glagol + objekat (ako je iskazan):

Dalje, u pitanjima koja počinju sa  with who/what/which/where, predlozi (in, to, for…) obično stoje na kraju:

  • Where is he from?
  • Who did you play football with?
  • Which job position has Ben applied for?
  • What was the wedding like?

Za formalniju komunikaciju koristimo preposition + whom:

  • To whom does she want to speak?

Odrična pitanja

isn’t it…? / didn’t you…? / haven’t we…? itd.

Odrična pitanja koristimo da:

  • izrazimo osećaj iznenadjenja:
    Didn’t you hear the phone ringing?
    I called you five times!
  • kada očekujemo od sagovornika da se složi sa našom izjavom:
    Haven’t they met before?
    Yes, I believe they have.

Značenje reči yes i no u odgovorima:

  • Don’t you want to buy those pants?
    Yes. (Yes, I want to buy them.)
    No. (No, I don’t want to buy them.)

Odrična pitanja sa upotrebom why:

  • Why didn’t you ask Kate to take care of that?
  • Why don’t we go out tonight?
  • Why don’t we eat pizza for dinner?

Pitanja: do you know where … ? / he asked me where …

Obratite pažnju na sledeće primere:

  • Where has Ann gone?


  • Do you know where Ann has gone? (ne has Ann gone)

Kada je pitanje deo duže rečenice, redosled reči u rečenic se menja. Pogledajte primere:

  • Who are these kids?   but,
    I don’t know who these kids are. 
  • Where can I find a book about dinosaurs?
    Can you tell me where I can find a book about dinosaurs?

do/does/did pitanja:

  • What did you mean?
    Please explain carefully what you meant.
  • What time does the exhibition start?
    Can you tell me what time the exhibition starts?

ili whether koristimo kada nemamo neku drugu upitnu reč (who, what, why…)

  • Did anyone see John?
    I don’t know if anyone saw John.     ili
    I don’t know whether anyone saw John.

Redosled reči u pitanjima: neupravni govor

Pogledajmo redosled reči u pitanjima koja se odnose na neupravni govor:

upravni govor:

  • The old lady said to us ‘What time does the bus arrive?’

neupravni govor

  • The old lady asked us what time the train arrived.


U neupravnom govoru, glagol u većini slučajeva prelazi u prošlo vreme (were, closed, arrived …)

Pogledajmo sledeće primere upravnog i neupravnog govora:

  • Mum asked my sister ‘Why did you apply for the contest?’
    Mum asked my sister why she had applied for the contest.
  • He said ‘Where are you staying?’
    He asked me where I was staying.
  • They asked Ann ‘Can you speak Spanish?’
    They asked her if/whether she could speak Spanish.
  • He asked ‘How long have you been working in the present company?’
    He asked me how long had I been working in the present company.

Redosled reči u pitanjima vežbe

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