Tekstualno objašnjenje za Past simple passive
Past simple passive
Pasivne oblike vremena koristimo na isti način kao njihove aktivne ekvivalente.
U nastavku, fokusiraćemo se na prosto prošlo vreme u pasivnom obliku. Past Simple pasivni oblik se gradi tako što koristimo pomoćni glagol was/were i participa prošlog glavnog glagola.
was/were + past participle (cleaned, visited, broken, read…)
- The window was broken in our living room.
- The kitchen was cleaned two days ago.
- The novel was read by my brother.
- The museums were visited by many students.
Dodatna objašnjenja
Još primera za Past simple pasivne rečenice:
- The shop was robbed yesterday.
- The mistakes were made by pupils.
- A book was bought recently.
- The cake was baked by my grandmother.
- Two girls were attacked by a black dog.
Past simple passive vežbe
Vežbe su prilagođene i za upotrebu na svim uređajima kao i interaktivnim tablama