Tekstualno objašnjenje za treći kondicional
Treći kondicional
Treći kondicional se odnosi na prošlost. Koristimo ga da opišemo situaciju koja se nije dogodila i da zamislimo ishode te konkretne situacije. Pogledajmo sledeće primere:
Last month Ann was in hospital for a couple of days. Harry didn’t know that. They met by chance three days ago. Harry said:
- If I had known you were in hospital, I would have visited you.
(He didn’t know, so he didn’t visit her)
If I had known… This tells us that he didn’t know that before.
Treći kondicional se gradi tako što koristimo the past perfect posle rečce ‘if’ i dodajemo ‘would have’ i the past participle u glavnoj rečenici:
If + past perfect, … would + have + past participle
- He would have become an economist if he had gone to university.
- If Ann had gone to art school, she would have been a painter.
Ne zaboravimo da uslovi i posledice mogu zameniti mesta, ali onda ne stavljamo zarez.
Dalje, nećemo kazati if something would have happened; upotrebićemo would u drugom delu rečenice:
- If I had seen her, I would said good morning. (not If I would have seen her…)
Dodatna objašnjenja
Možemo korisiti izraze had done/seen/been/known, etc. na isti način posle glagola wish.
- I wish I hadn’t eaten so much in the morning.
- I wish I had studied languages instead of math.
Kažemo ‘I wish’ kada žalimo za nečim.
Uporedimo would (do) i would have (done):
- If I had gone to the party the night before, I would be tired now. ((I am not tired now – present)
- If I had gone to the party the night before, I would have met a lot of people. (I didn’t meet a lot of people – past)
Sada ćemo uporediti would have, could have i might have:
- If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we would have gone to the park.
- If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we could have gone to the park. (we would have been able to go out)
- If the weather hadn’t been so bad, we might have gone to the park. (maybe we would have gone out)
Third Conditional vežbe
Vežbe su prilagođene i za upotrebu na svim uređajima kao i interaktivnim tablama
Interaktivne vežbe
- Trenutno nema interaktivnih vežbi za ovo gramatičko objašnjenje