Subject and object pronouns – Vežba 2

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Object Pronouns

Unesi odgovor za koji smatraš da je ispravan.
Pošto uneseš svoje odgovore, pritisni dugme “Proveri” kako bi saznao da li su tačni.

Odaberi odgovarajuće odgovore

  1. Can you help with something? I cannot unzip this suitcase.
  2. We bought a new computer. It didn't cost as much as we thought would.
  3. Will Zorana ever put down phone?
  4. Vera told us that can take care of the cat by herself.
  5. I could help you if you would help in return.
  6. The chicks are in the box. We found in our school yard, under a tree.
  7. Fred and I had lunch together. both ate a delicious cooked salmon dish.
  8. Sara and Lazar live together. rent an apartment in the building next to me.
  9. Goran rarely leaves his home if we don't call to go out.
  10. There's a garbage bag near the door. Can you take with you on your way out?

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