Tekstualno objašnjenje za Neodređene zamenice u engleskom jeziku
Kada je reč o upotrebi, neodređene zamenice u engleskom jeziku imaju određena pravila. Pogledajmo koja su to pravila.
no + imenica (noun)
no = not a ili not any:
- Tom will have no problem finding a new job. or
Tom will not have any problem finding a new job. - She had to walk home. There was no bus.
There wasn’t a bus.
Možemo koristiti no + noun na početku rečenice:
- No issue was noted.
Možemo upotrebiti none bez imenice:
- All the books have been sold. There are none left.
Ili none of… :
- The money is yours. None of it is mine.
no, none i any:
- How much money do you have?
None. or I don’t have any. - I have no money.
Nakon none of + množina (plural), glagol može biti u jednini ili množini:
- None of the pupils were happy. ili
- None of the pupils was happy.
nothing, nobody/no-one, nowhere
Neodređene zamenice u engleskom jeziku kao što su nothing, nobody/no-one, nowhere
možete upotrebiti na početku rečenice ili samostalno (kao odgovor na pitanje):
- The apartment is empty. Nobody lives there.
- What happened?
No-one knows.
Ove reči možemo koristiti posle glagola, posebno nakon be and have:
- They had nothing to drink.
nothing/nobody etc. = not + anything/anybody etc.
- Ben said nothing.
Ben didn’t say anything. - She has nowhere to live.
She doesn’t have anywhere to live.
Ne koristimo glagol u odričnom obliku sa zamenicama nothing/nobody, itd.
- She said nothing. (ne: She didn’t say nothing.)
Neodređene zamenice they/them/their možemo upotrebiti nakon nobody/no-one:
- Nobody in the class did their presentation.
Postoje određene situacije kada neodređene zamenice any/anything/anybody itd. znače da nije važno ko/šta/koji (it doesn’t matter who/what/which).
Uporedite no- i any-:
- There was no bus, so we walked home.
We can take any bus. They all go to the city centre. - That’s a difficult job. Nobody wants to do it.
That’s an effortless job. Anyone can do it.
Dodatna objašnjenja
Upamtite sledeće:
pozitivan glagol (positive verb) + nobody/no-one/nothing
negativan glagol (negative verb) + anybody/anyone/anything
- There is nothing to say.
- She didn’t learn anything.
Indefinite pronouns vežbe
Vežbe su prilagođene i za upotrebu na svim uređajima kao i interaktivnim tablama